Saturday, March 31, 2012

Gipper Sipper

Yesterday (3/30) in 1981 President Ronald Reagan survived a gunshot attack by deranged drifter John Hinkley.  President Reagan's favorite cocktail was the Orange Blossom, made with Gin, Sweet Vermouth and Orange Juice.  Remember how he told Nancy, "I forgot to duck," when she joined him at the hospital?

Gipper Sipper
Makes 2 cocktails

Survival made updated orange cocktail in honor of Ronnie.

2 oz. Grand Marnier
2 oz. Orange Juice
2 oz. Vodka
8 oz. chilled champagne

Mix together Grand Marnier, orange juice and vodka.  Divide into 2 champagne flutes.

Top with champagne.

For a traditional Orange Blossom, combine equal amounts of gin, sweet vermouth and orange juice in an ice-filled cocktail shaker.  Shake 30 seconds and then strain into a chilled martini glass.

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